AI Solutions

Your growth-accelerating GenAI transformation starts here.

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GenAI Workshop

We’ve designed a one-hour GenAI workshop that will equip your team with the essential skills needed to leverage AI tools effectively. 
60 minutes
Virtual group session
No experience needed
Immediate practical application
Sign up
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After 1-hour you’ll learn:
How to Use LLMs
Gain a foundational understanding of Large Language Models (LLMs), including how they function, their capabilities, and their limitations within the context of industry-specific applications.
How to Prompt for Results
Master the art of crafting effective prompts to elicit desired responses and outcomes from AI, enhancing your ability to leverage AI tools for content creation, strategy, and more.
How to Craft an AI Policy
Learn to develop a comprehensive AI policy for your organization that addresses ethical considerations, data privacy, and usage guidelines, ensuring responsible and effective AI deployment.
How to Create an AI Council
Understand the key roles and expertise needed to form a dedicated AI team, including strategies for identifying internal candidates or when to seek external talent to drive your AI initiatives.
How to Create an AI Use Case
Discover how to identify and develop clear, impactful AI use cases within your business, focusing on those that offer the highest return on investment and align with strategic objectives.
How to Assess AI Vendors
Acquire the skills to critically assess AI vendors, including evaluating their technologies, support, and alignment with your business needs, ensuring you select the best partners for your AI journey.
Limited Time

AI Adoption Accelerator

The AI Adoption Accelerator guides you through the process of integrating of AI into your operations, helping you navigate the necessary cultural, operational, and technical changes to fully harness AI's potential.
4-week curriculum
Virtual group sessions
No experience needed
Immediate practical application
Fully customized
Sign up
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During the Accelerator you’ll learn:
How to Assess AI Readiness
Understand your organization’s current digital maturity and identify areas where AI can add value. Evaluate infrastructure, talent, and data readiness.
Change Management Strategies
Create a comprehensive plan to manage cultural, operational, and technical changes required for AI adoption. Address barriers and implement best practices.
AI Roadmapping
Design a strategic roadmap for integrating AI. Prioritize projects based on ROI and strategic alignment. Establish clear milestones and success metrics.
Team Training & Development
Implement tailored training programs to build AI literacy and skills at all organizational levels. Offer ongoing support and mentorship for continuous learning.
AI Tech Stack Selection
Learn criteria for evaluating and selecting AI technologies and vendors that align with your business goals. Ensure the chosen solutions meet your needs.
AI Project Piloting & Scaling
Launch pilot AI projects to demonstrate value and refine approaches. Develop strategies to scale successful pilots organization-wide, with continuous improvement.